Monday, 3 September 2012

I hate wasting time.

And apparently, I ain't alone...

"Ben, I want the Gene Schwartz $20 offer, but is there really

anything NEW inside? Anything I haven't seen already? I know it's

just $20 and it comes with a guarantee, but is it worth my time? Be

honest, I hate wasting time on info I already know."

I can relate.

A lot of people can.

And it's a very good question.

So with only 4 hours left, maybe this will help:

Here's what what a savvy businesswoman and revenue coach (who's been written about in Forbes & Investor Business Daily and whose book has gotten testimonials from smart businessmen like Guy Kawasaki) said last time I ran this sale...


OK, so I finally caved and spent the $20.

I put it off because 1) I didn't think I'd learn

anything new and 2) there was just so much

stuff there, I wasn't sure I'd be able to read it all.

But today I decided to take you at your word,

and I spent the $20.

I started small:

with the transcript of the Rodale speech.

And already it has opened up my mind and

given me new insights.

I am, in fact, learning something.

Thank you, Ben.

Kristin Zhivago

Revenue Coach


Bottom line?

This ain't just more of the same old, same old.

And ye olde clock is ticking.

It goes from $20 back to $297 in a few hours.

Give it a shot (while there's time) here:

Ben Settle

P.S. More...

You get two more goodies:

1. A 527 ad swipe file (which includes Gene Schwartz ads)

2. "The Sales Letter Jam Session" (which teaches you the nuts and bolts of how to build an ad from beginning to end)

There's no time for dilly-dally, though.

This offer ends in just a few short hours.

Here's the link again:

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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