Monday, 24 September 2012

A subscriber gots to know:

"Ben, I have to know if you get freaked out

when writing controversial

emails? You must have a thick skin!

Doesn't the feedback get nasty and

angry? Does it freak you out

sending emails like that?"

I used to get BIG TIME nervous.

And it can definitely be hair-raising.

But now it's just pure FUN.

I even get a strange sort of "thrill" from the feedback.

It's sorta like the movie "True Romance".

Easily one of my all-time favorite flicks.

There's a scene where a mobster (ironically played by Mr. Soprano himself -- James Gandolfini) explains to the character he's about to whack how it feels to kill someone. The first time was hardest -- he puked the first time. The second time was also rough, with the same feeling, but it was better this time -- more "diluted."


He does it just to watch the expression change.

Freaky, eh?

But it's similar to how being controversial in emails is.

The first few times put my stomach in knots.

No doubt about it.

It was nerve-wracking pushing "send."

But each time it got easier.

And easier...

And easier...

Until now, I do it just to read the amusing replies from people who are obviously way too wound up for their own good.

Anyway, it's not for the "thin skinned."

But it can be extremely profitable.

In fact, I write about this in the next "Email Players" issue:

The article is called:

"Grow Some Ballz"

Very profitable info.

Anyway, it goes to print in a week.

Grab ya some...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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