Monday, 24 December 2012

Ho, ho, ho...

If you want to do something on Christmas that:

1. Will bond your list to you more (making them more likely to want

to buy from you in future emails)

2. Probably make you sales

3. And give your list a chuckle

(Which can lead to more sales in ye olde stocking...)

Then here's all you do:

Send your list an email on Christmas.

But, not just ANY email.

What I want you to do is send them an email describing advice you

are giving to Santa Clause. (Advice for weight loss, marketing,

branding, prostate troubles, whatever it is you sell -- just use

your imagination.)

Yes, it's kinda dorky.

And no, it's not going to make you a million dollars.

But it MIGHT get you some sales.

It MIGHT make your list look forward to more emails.

And it MIGHT even make 'em laugh.

(As Dan Kennedy has wisely said: "People buy more and buy more

happily when in good humor.")


You don't know how?

You have no idea how to begin such an email?

OK, relax!

I'm going to give you a template. I've sent this exact email (the

product and URL details have been removed) before to a list of

weight loss prospects in another business I partner in.

Hey, I don't just teach this stuff.

I actually DO it.

(Shocking, eh?)

Anyway, here's the template.

Switch out my product/market details with yours:


Santa's CrAzY 2013 fat loss plan


I know it's Christmas night and you probably want to go to bed (I

do too!) but I HAVE to tell you about this crazy little guy who

showed up at my door tonight.

He was short, about 4 feet tall.

He also had weird shoes that curled at the toe.

And even more weird, he had pointy ears.

I asked him who he was and he said he was a messenger from Santa!

Apparently, Santa is getting older and slower, and he's concerned

about his weight now. He is worried about having heart problems and

doesn't want to drop dead one day while carrying presents to kids

due to his weight.

So he wanted my advice.

Can you believe that?

So here's what I told this messenger to tell Santa:

1. Start eating more protein!

I told the messenger to tell Santa to get those elves to start

bringing him more meat, beans and protein, instead of white carbs

like bread, etc.

2. Quit eating the cookies and milk!

When going to down chimneys and seeing plate of cookies and a glass

of milk, ignore it! And instead, leave a note next to them saying

next year he'd prefer to be left fruit or maybe some meat and

cheese, instead.

And instead of milk, leave water.

Protein waters are fine, too.

If he needs advice, he should check out my ____ product:


3. Start exercising more

He doesn't have to huff and puff and sweat and strain, he can do my

_____ program instead, that's fine:


I said to tell Santa this is NOT based on hard exercise.

It's based on using his nervous system and was developed by a

Russian "super soldier" who wanted a way to get in shape quickly.

4. Start walking more!

In other words...

Instead of hitching up the reindeer team to go to the store or run

errands, I told the messenger to tell Santa to get his blubber butt

outside and walk through the snow, it's great for his heart and


5. Lay off 50% of the elves

Let's face it.

All those elves are dead weight.

And by trimming his workforce down, he'll also trim his

considerable stomach down, too, because he'll be forced to roll up

his sleeves and do more work.

Anyway, so that's that.

This is the plan I have for Santa.

We'll see if he listens in 2013.

Have a GREAT holiday season.

I'll see you soon! :)



And that's all there is to it.

I hope you use this template.

Even if you don't get a bunch of sales, just doing stuff like this

now and then has a lot of power for future sales (and makes people

look forward to reading future emails from you).

I kid ye not on this.

Try it and you'll see for yourself.

For more email ideas like this, check out:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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