Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Last weekend I had some wicked insomnia.

The kind where I probably did not get more than an hour or two of

sleep the entire night. This happens sometimes, though, and usually

I do one of two things when it does:

1. Work on something

2. Watch movies

I chose option #2.

What movie did I watch?

One of my all-time favorites:

"Boyz n the Hood"

And one of the best parts is when young Trey (the main character

in the story) is with his dad at the beach who asks him what the 3

rules of being a leader are:

1.) Always look a person in the eye.

2.) Never be afraid to ask for anything. Stealing isn't necessary.

3.) Never respect anybody who doesn't respect you back.

Good stuff, yeah?

And it ain't just good for being a leader.

But also for life in general.

Especially business.

In fact, if you make those rules a part of you for the next 30 days

I can virtually guarantee you'll see results in the business

ventures you get your hot little hands in.

Speaking of which...

There's another rule I'd tack on for entrepreneurs.

And that is, to email your list daily.

That way you can show them some skillz.

Inspire them to take action.

And, be a leader instead of just an "expert."

Yes, experts are listened to.

But leaders are followed.

Email done the right way (and most people do it completely wrong)

can position you as a leader (to the people on your list, at least)

-- someone people feel safe and confident and secure buying from.

That's what separates the boyz from the men.

And, it's what the "Email Players" newsletter is all about.

More info about it at:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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