Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Got an extremely valuable resource to yap about today.

A resource not 1 in 100 copywriters knows about... and was told to

me by none other than Gary Bencivenga (universally considered the

world's greatest living copywriter).

Here's what happened:

Waaaaay back in 2008 I bought his Seminar on DVD.

It was his "Farewell" seminar, where he revealed all his secrets.

Anyway, I was BLOWN away by it.

(Still am, just went through it again recently.)

In fact, it had such an impact on my copywriting and overall

business & marketing philosophies, I just had to send him (and his

wife, Pauline) an email telling them how much it meant having it.

Yes, dear one, I was in fanboy mode.

Gushing my little copywriting fanboy heart out.

So grateful to possess that product and learn from the master.

Anyway, to my amazement, he emailed me back with a note about how

he had long enjoyed my site (zowie!).

And, how he was sending me a little gift by mail.

But, he didn't say exactly what he was sending.

Just that it was a slender little volume his mentor (advertising

legend David Ogilvy) said had changed his life and urged all his

employees to read at least once per year. A few days later, a

32-page pamphlet-like book arrived in my mailbox called:

"Obvious Adams"

What the heck is "Obvious Adams"?

It's a short story about an advertising man who was not the best or

most skilled copywriter... but whose ads were ultra successful

simply because he knew how to spot the "obvious" solutions to


It's an absolutely fascinating read, too.

And, it teaches a special kind of "mindset."

A mindset you won't find in other copywriting books.

(Or any other business books, for that matter.)

Plus, even though it was published waaaaay back in 1916, it's just

as relevant (hellz, even MORE relevant) today.

Bottom line?

This is a great little book.

It's been endorsed by some of history's greatest advertising minds,

eliminates much of the anxiety that comes with direct marketing,

and, if you apply its wisdom, you can't help but write better ads

or emails, and have a much more profitable business all the rest of

your days.

And guess what?

It's one of the gifts I'm giving away if you donate $5 (or more) to

my local dog shelter before Friday night at midnight.

What's that?

You think you can find it free online?

Yeah, you probably can.

And if you want to waste your time (is your time worth money or do

you flit it away like most of the vultures who chase after free

stuff online?) have at it.

Google your butt off.

Or, you can get it from me in a nice tidy pdf.

Plus, if you get it from me, you also get:

1.) An *advanced* email marketing training I did with Perry

Marshall's marketing manager Jack Born recently, for Jack's Aw

Pro Tools customers

2.) "Secrets Of A Text Marketing Player"

(This is an interview with Trevor Mauch -- who is the best I know

at integrating text messaging with email marketing seamlessly and

in a way that makes your customers happy to hear and buy from you.)

3.) "How To Explode Your Opt-Ins (And Your Sales!) With A Simple

5-Minute Change To Your Website"

This is the transcript of an interview I did with Jim Yaghi.

Jim is a computer scientist and world class marketer who has been

responsible for the lead generation for some of the richest and

most successful people in the home business niche (amongst others).

He's also figured out some cool ways to build a list.

Ways you probably have never heard before.

Ways I've used to as much as double my opt ins quickly.

(With my existing website traffic.)

And in this interview we reveal them in detail.

But remember:

This offer ends Friday night at the stroke of midnight.

To get all this value for just $5 do this:

1. Click the link below

2. Donate at least $5 (preferably more) via PayPal

3. Forward your PayPal receipt to

The dogs say "thanks!" in advance...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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