Thursday, 7 February 2013

"How in the hell could a person enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m.

by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss,

brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where

essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked

to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?"

-Charles Bukowski

The above is from one of the great American writers.

Six months ago I'd never heard of him.

But my droog Robert Bruce (of copyblogger) said I HAD to read

his stuff, saying my writing style and attitude was so similar to

his. So I read one of his books (titled "Women") and am now


Anyway, mayhaps I'll write more about him later.

But today, let's talk about his quote.

Reading it may "sting" a bit.

But, it's a great reality check.

No, bid'niz ain't ALL fun and games.

Sometimes it's extremely hard work.

Not very pleasant.

And, can be mentally and emotionally brutal.

But compared to a 9-5 job being at the mercy of some jackanape boss

promoted one (or two!) levels above his own complacency?

Even a "bad" day is awesome.

After all...

You can be FIRED from a job.

Not so from your business.

You can go YEARS without a raise at a job.

Not so from your business.

And, you can piss away DECADES of your life (with naught to show

for it except regret, lost opportunity, and wishing you'd had more

time to do the things you wanted to do) at a job.

Again, not so from your business.

Does that depress you a bit?


You're ready for a change, then.

If you're at a job and are tired of brawling with your "superiors"

and their merry band of office politicians savaging your morale...

start building a list (today!) and learn how to sell to it with


The beauty of email is it's fast.

It's inexpensive.

And, (believe it or not) it's fun.

The "Email Players" newsletter shows you my way of doing it, and

the book that comes with your subscription includes a couple

appendixes on how to build a list.

Yes, the newsletter is "pricey."

And yes, it requires effort.

But it works.

And, I believe it can work for you.

Learn more at:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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All rights reserved.

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