Friday, 23 November 2012

I hardly ever shop at Wal-Mart.

And, when I do, it's usually online.


Is it because I hate Wal-Mart?

Think the products are shoddy?

Take the side of cry baby small businesses who whine about Wal-Mart

taking customers away (because they are too lazy to learn even the

most BASIC of sales, marketing and merchandising skillz)?

No... my reasoning is much more snooty.

I don't like Wal-Mart because it oozes "cheap."

I ain't just talking about prices, either.

Frankly, I like a good deal as much as anyone.

What I'm talking about is the mentality it caters to -- where

everything is about cheap, cheap, cheap. Like, for example, the

vultures who camped outside their friendly neighborhood

Wal-Fart stores yesterday at the expense of enjoying it with

their families just to get a good deal.


Just not my bag, I guess.

Anyway, that's my opinion.

Am I saying you should stay away from Wal-Fart?

Not get their great deals?

And avoid it like the plague?

No, no... nothing like that.

Just consider this a public service announcement.

Cheapness is a disease that can have seriously negative effects on

entrepreneurs who adapt the Wal-Mart mentality to their own

businesses. (By selling things based on price, only consuming free

stuff online, only buying cheap $7 eBooks that are full of

nothing but hot air and affiliate links, etc.)

Hey, hate me all you want for saying this.

But cheap is ALWAYS more expensive.

And few ever get rich by being cheap.

(Except maybe for Wal-Mart...)


One thing that's not cheap is "Email Players".

It's quite pricey, actually.

And there are lots of reasons for that.

One of which is I don't cater to cheap people.

I'd rather cater to players.


And, yes, REAL business people.

(Not wannabe spectators).

If you think you got right stuff, go to:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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